Week at a Glance-October 16-21, 2016

Faith comes from hearing the message,
and the message is heard through Word of Christ.
Sunday, October 16- 5:30 p.m.Grade 2's Sacrament of Reconciliation First Meeting at École Our Lady of the Rosary School
Monday, October 17-Soccer Intramurals-Grade 1
Tuesday, October 18-9:00 a.m-Lion’s Club Eye Screening.-Kindergarten Tues/Thursday
Tuesday, October 18-Soccer Intramurals-Grade 1
Wednesday, October 19-9:00 a.m.-Lion’s Club Eye Screening-Kindergarten Wed/Friday
Wednesday, October 19-12:00 p.m.-Choir Practice- grade 1 & 2's in Mme. Frolick's classroom
Thursday, October 20-8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.-Catholic Women's League (CWL) Visit
Thursday, October 20-10:15 a.m.-Rosary Recess -all grades in the Chapel
Thursday, October 20-Soccer Intramurals-Grade 2
Thursday, October 20-Pre-Kindergarten Family Session-Conversation Connection@6-7:30 p.m.
Friday, October 21- Soccer Intramurals-Grade 2
“Rooted, Nourished and Growing”
“S’ancrer, se nourrir et s’épanouir”