Mrs. Tighe's Kindergarten Class' Fall Adventures

Please see our photos below:
We haveMrs. Tighe's Kindergarten (KEB2) class learning all about Thanksgiving with their Turkey Crowns.
Layla Chernawski, Rylen Hoiland and Cooper Kowalla enjoying the beautiful fall weather on Mrs. Tighe's Fall Nature Walk on October 5.
Students participated in a nature scavenger hunt and brought back leaves and twigs to investigate further. They created beautiful art work with the leaves.
On Wednesday October 13 OLR students were treated with a fire safety presentation at the Alliance Church. Mrs. Tighe thought it would be awesome to volunteer Mme. Frolick to demonstrate her Funky Chicken Dance skills along with some students from OLR.
Mrs. Tighe brought back some beautiful autumn maple leaves (her dad went out in the storm to pick the leaves for her!) on her trip back to Nova Scotia. Students studied the leaves and learned about the History of the Canadian Flag and how the maple leaf is an important Canadian symbol. They then made some cool flags of their own!