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What Day Does Your Child Have Library?

Students are expected to bring their Library books (all grades) and Home Reading books (grades one to three) to school on the day they have Library class to exchange for new books. When Library class falls on a stat holiday the students will be expected to return their books the following week. Check out the day your child has library below so you can help them get into this new routine:


Mme Campbell 

Mlle Mueller 


Mme Fader

Miss. McMillan

Mrs. Gates

Miss. Eleniak 


Mrs. Neilly & Mrs. Scherren's PreK AM Classes

Mrs. Tighe

Ms. Cowie

Mme Masikewich

Mrs. Stewart


Mrs. Neilly's PM Class

Mrs. Fercho

Mrs. Delaurier

Mlle Bulger


Mrs. Fader

Miss. Gervais

Mrs. Belcher

Mme Basta


Thank you in advance for helping our students establish this new routine!

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