RDCRS READS Summer Reading Program

This week our PreK to Grade Two students received their brand new Summer Reading Program bag and chose the library books that they get to borrow for the entire summer break. You will also find a bookmark in the new backpack with all of the information about the RDCRS READS Summer Reading Program.
Reading through the summer supports and builds on students' reading and language skills. A variety of books will develop a love of reading which is a lifelong journey.
We ask that these books be returned at the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year in the new backpack as they will function as the students' library bags.
We are looking forward to another successful summer of reading. If you post photos of your student reading you could win 1 of 3 $50 Amazon gift cards. Please see the bookmark for more information. Watch for videos from the library that will be posted to Facebook throughout the summer! Reading Rocks!