Project Based Learning-Miss M's Grade 2 Class

Miss.McMillan's grade two class began their journey into Project Based Learning this year. They have begun by investigating three different types of communities. They looked at Urban, Rural and Suburban Communities, on maps, near-pod, google earth, etc. Together they brain stormed ways to help communities. They stopped at the thought of the community of Fort McMurray. Our school is very blessed to have a large collection of books, in our library but also in each of our classrooms. When the fire hit Fort McMurray, most books were lost to smoke damage. Miss.McMillan's class came together and purchased 25 books from Scholastics, created personalized bookmarks and sent the books on their way to make a difference in a grade two class within Fort McMurray. They will be working together to take the next step and help a grade two class in a rural community. Through all their work you will find their driving question, "How can we, as citizens, help citizens in other communities?" Stay tuned....