If you haven’t already done so, please book your Parent Teacher Interview online here. You will have the option to choose if you would like a virtual (Google Meet) or telephone interview when scheduling your meeting.
Google Meet (Virtual Meeting)
Your child’s teacher will email you a link you will use to join the interview on your scheduled day and time.
You need to have Google Meet installed on your device prior to the meeting.
Please do not join the meeting until it is your time to do so as your child’s teacher will likely be with another family as interviews are scheduled back to back.
Teachers, with the cooperation of parents, will do their best to stick to the schedule, allowing 13 minutes per family.
If you attempt to join the meeting and your request is rejected, please click on the link sent by your child’s teacher again in order to send another request to join to your child’s teacher.
Do not share the link with anyone - the link is considered confidential.
Telephone Meet
Your child’s teacher will call you on your scheduled date and time.
The number may be one that is uncommon to you as teachers are either using Google or their cell phones to make phone calls. Your Caller ID may state, “No Caller ID” or may be a number you do not recognize, such as London, Ontario.
Teachers, with the cooperation of parents, will do their best to stick to the schedule, allowing 13 minutes per family.