I am a Leader Habit #3 Put First Things First

At École Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School, we
recognize student leadership. We announce the students names at an assembly and post their certificates on our
I am a Leader Bulletin Board which can be seen in our Gathering Area.
This month our students are being recognized for their Leadership in:
Work First, Then Play
I spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say no to things I know I should not do. I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan. I am disciplined and organized.
Layla Cherniawsky KEB2 Luca Fisher KEB2 Samuel Lurcha KEB2 Rhiana Magallanes KEB2 Luke Sandberg KEB2
Bree Bradley KEB Carter Leason KEB Rayne Wick KEB Archie Marsh KEB Noah Kangas KEB Amario Cano KEB
Aliah McKenzie 1GE Liam Hamilton 1GE
Deaken St. Martin 1K Jenna Coady 1K Jax Dutkevich 1K Maddison Jones 1K
Mason Morgan 1F Emerson Pepper 1F Barrett Gamroth 1F
Wyatt Croll 1GF Logan Lush 1GF
Anthony Anderson 2B Sofia Murphy 2B Alexa Vandermeer 2B
Ardenn Green 2A Marjorie Bernabe 2A Mason Neville 2A
Taylor Byrne 2M Jett McLean 2M Olivia Harrigan-Nicholas 2M Ethan Poirier 2M
Malika Drevenak 2S Kruise McGeough 2S Jayda Schaubel 2S