Grade Two French Immersion Pen and Ink Drawings

In the Grade 2 Social Studies program, the children have been introduced to three different people groups: the Inuit of Iqaluit, the Acadians of Meteghan, and the Ukrainians who settled in the area we now know as Saskatoon. These people groups, amongst many others who make up our “home and native land”, contributed to the diversity that exists in the arts and the richness of music that has permeated our Canadian culture.
To celebrate diversity in the ARTS, and to expose the children to something new, pen and ink drawings, we were pleased to have Mrs. Pearl O’Gorman share both her love for the ARTS and the techniques she has acquired to express the beauty of nature on canvas. Indeed, we were delighted to have Mrs. O’Gorman share her gifts and talents with us, and were excited to have the opportunity to try our hand at this technique at École Our Lady of the Rosary School.
Mrs.O’Gorman, un gros merci from the Grade 2 class, Madame Marguerite and Madame Bulger.